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Raising Resilience: How to Develop Adaptable Leaders

Never-ending and daunting. There’s no better way to describe the onslaught of disruptions and challenges bombarding your organization — the pandemic, a changing political climate, new regulations, evolving technologies, competitive pressures, you name it. And there’s no more important skill to tackle these issues than resilience.
Of course, resilience is often a buzzword bantered about at companies, but what does it actually mean? How can you grow this essential competency in your leaders and throughout your workforce?
Join Beverly Wallace of Over the Wall Coaching (and former leadership development exec at Prudential and Capital Group) to discover practical, concrete ways to boost resilience in yourself, your leaders, and your employees. By attending this webinar, you’ll learn how to:
- Leverage modern resilience research in your organization
- Identify the most important characteristics of resilient leaders
- Use practical tools and tactics to increase resilience among your people
- Assess your own level of resilience via a mini-assessment
Join us for an interactive experience to figure out which actions you can take right now to develop leaders who move your company forward by not letting adversity hold them back.

The independent publication that covers the business of HR, helping talent management professionals create better workplaces.

Beverly Wallace
Over the Wall Coaching
Beverly Wallace is a certified executive coach for forward-thinking leaders and is the founder of Over the Wall Coaching. She is a leadership development expert and continuous learner who helps leaders to be more resilient through challenges and coaches them to reach sustainable and meaningful results.
Before she was an executive coach, Beverly led executive and leadership development for global companies, including in a Fortune 50 company and in nonprofit and private companies.
Although Beverly is based in the NYC area, she is originally from Southern California, and coaches leaders on both coasts and in between. She holds various coaching and assessment certifications including in Brain-Based Coaching, Learning Agility, Emotional Intelligence, and Change Management, to name a few.
Her passions include hiking, yoga, and being near the ocean, all of which inspire her work.